Ridgeline Physio Covid-19 Policy
Please note that the health of our clients and staff is our number one priority. If you do not feel comfortable coming into the clinic, we provide virtual appointments for both initial assessments and follow-up visits. For a Telehealth appointment please either book online or call the clinic. Ridgeline Physio Covid Policy is based on the recommendations of the BCCDC.
Mask Policy
To respect our client’s choice, masks are optional at this time for our clients. Please make the choice that you feel most comfortable with. Please note we do have masks available at the clinic if you would like one.
Hepa Filter
Please note that our clinic room has a HEPA filter as an additional precaution
You Have Tested Positive for Covid-19: When can you return to the clinic?
If FULLY vaccinated or under 18:
You can attend the clinic after your 5-day isolation period IF your fever has resolved without the use of fever-reducing medication for 24 hours AND your symptoms have improved.
If NOT vaccinated :
You can attend the clinic after your 10-day isolation period IF your fever has resolved without the use of fever-reducing medication for 24 hours AND your symptoms have improved.
If your symptoms have NOT improved or you have a fever you should continue to isolate.
You have come in close contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19: Can I come into the clinic?
Yes. The BCCDC recommends that you self-monitor for symptoms if you have been in close contact with a person who has tested positive for Covid 19. If you develop symptoms you must self-isolate.