
Ridgeline Physio
100 Riverside Way
Fernie, BC, V0B 1M5

Ridgeline Physiotherapy is located within the Stanford Hotel. Find us on the second floor, directly above the hotel reception desk. The elevator is located just past reception on the right.

Tel: (778) 561-2272

Fax: +1 (855) 696-1780




You are welcomed to use any available parking outside the Stanford Hotel. If you are biking, there is a bike rack inside the building. Go through the double sliding doors and you will see a bike rack immediately on your right.

Cancellation Policy

Ridgeline Physio has a 24hr Cancellation Policy for our standard physiotherapy services and a 48hr cancellation policy for bike fitting. Please give us 24-48 hours notice if cancelling your appointment to avoid being charged the full appointment fee. Please note that for Monday appointments, cancellations must be completed by noon on Friday for standard services and noon on Thursday for bike fitting.

Direct Billing

We are pleased to accept direct billing for most major insurance plans!

  • Pacific Blue Cross

  • Alberta Blue Cross

  • Sun Life

  • BPA - Benefit Plan Administrators

  • Canada Life

  • Canadian Construction Workers Union (C.C.W.U.)

  • Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan


  • ClaimSecure

  • Coughlin & Associates

  • Cowan

  • D.A. Townley

  • Desjardins Insurance

  • Equitable Life

  • First Canadian

  • GMS Carrier 49

  • GMS Carrier 50

  • GroupHEALTH

  • GroupSource

  • Industrial Alliance

  • Johnson Inc.

  • Johnston Group

  • Beneva Inc. (formerly La Capitale Financial Group)

  • LiUna Local 183

  • LiUna Local 506

  • Manion

  • Manulife Financial

  • Maximum Benefit

  • People Corporation

  • RWAM Insurance Administrators

  • Simply Benefits

  • TELUS AdjudiCare

  • Union Benefits

  • UV Insurance